martes, 31 de mayo de 2016



 María Jesús Mejía.

Born in Itagui on 27 March 1876. Her dedication to teaching does not
win allowed horizons to which he was entitled. He graduated from
Medellin in the Antioquia Normal of Young ladies.
Many generations of teachers were formed under her leadership at School
Normal Antioqueña.
She worked tirelessly for 20 years at the Elementary School in
Itagüi municipality. He went to the Normal setting Antioqueña
responsible for the training of teachers education, giving in
body and soul by an average of 20 years. On the occasion of the silver jubilee
professionals, Normal Antioqueña awarded the gold medal. Likewise,
Honorable Departmental Assembly of Antioquia in 1947 granted
Maria de Jesus Mejia title of teacher of youth.
Thus it became public recognition of the work carried out by a
woman capable, courageous, intelligent and structured gave his life to
Antioqueño service education and contributing to the formation of new

teachers for the country.


A new member in our family

Alejandro is a professor of art, which pitifully little we know, he’s got very little time with us, but thanks to his kindness and sympathy has managed to get a special place both in the hearts of students as in the management and teachers, for this reason in echoes of MJM we decided to investigate and learn more about his life and aspirations.
The teacher tells us that he has been in many institutions in the municipality of Itagüí and we are really very similar in many ways as we share the same roots and essentially are the same, that in each institution there are many students and in that respect no sees a big difference between the educational institution Jhon F Kennedy (that was the last institution where he worked) and our institution and therefore does not consider that none of them is better than the other because each has its strengths and weaknesses.
What he really wants to do at this school is to soak his students his love of art, and believes that maybe this will not be very difficult for them if we consider that this is an issue which generally attracts us and if it is a art as trying to introduce is an art away from the traditional and boring but rather more modern and interesting one that makes you become interested us much more about him.
He tells us that he plans to make his much more innovative, interesting and different from the other kind is an advantage that interest we feel young by modern art and translate it into their classes teaching us much more about him and trying to give us all the knowledge which owns and best of himself. The matter of art as it lends itself to that classes are not as monotonous and boring and so he always tries to exploit this advantage.
Although I have really been very few classes with this professor you can say that I have reamente seen that passion for it does, knows much about it and understand that as young people we are what we should really do is educate ourselves and not repress as a free person is a good person.

We conclude by giving the professor Alejandro our most sincere welcome and wish him much success and years in our institution.


Educators of the twilight

Here are the faces of the teachers of our day, to give us that knowledge and peace through his counsel help us to live better and draw a good life project daily with their voice  of the experience to guide us on the road and as the slogan of our school Maria Jesus mejía  says" forming good people ."


Luz Faneidy Gomez, the dearest in the morning.

Professor Luz Faneidy Gómez has contacted sources of newspaper journalism "echoes of our institution" and has answered some questions from these sources. She is one of the finalists of the day in the morning to be the teacher of life together with the finalist of the day in the afternoon Jorge Hugo Blanco.
'With how many votes managed to be finalist: Master of life?
With 83 votes
How does it feel to have the affection of so many students?
Well, actually, it is a very big commitment. It's cute on the one hand that the kids feel valued and appreciate your work but also is a strong call to make every day the best
What do you consider you have done to earn the appreciation of the students?
It is not something that is sought, it occurs spontaneously. I think students feel when they are valued and gives a little affection. That's what I try every day
-What Believed to have been the greatest challenge it has had on his career as a teacher?
Well, every day we face challenges and each group becomes a challenge, but the biggest challenge is on myself because I know that teaching is a mission that must be assumed with honesty, commitment and above all with love
What news have been in choosing the master of life?

This year has changed the procedure because students in previous years just voted and choised the teacher of life,but apparently the secretary of education change the procedure.

Opinion Article

Is really necessary the obligatory media technique?

In the world that we are living actually the time of the normal people is well divided into three parts: Eight hours to sleep, eight to work and eight to educate yourself. I mean this for the ones that are older than eighteen, But to us, the youngers than eighteen the things are different. We must have a time to have fun, share with family and friends and do things that we really enjoy.
And here is where our trouble begins cause thanks to the media technique our life is beginning n to turn harder and harder. From seven to seven we are at school without have a space to really develop of our personality, we have no fun, we have no freedom , yes, the education, I have no a really argument against that, it´s maybe the most important but it can´t turn down the others aspects of the life.
Forcing study something we do not want, it really is not necessary for our future life and that requires many hours of effort is not only unprofitable but also unfair because it is not are taking the opportunity to do something that we believe we will really serve in our project and that fits our vocation. The decision to graduate as bachelors or academic technologists must be solely our decision.
Sleep eight hours a day is essential to health, this is undeniable, but it seems that the policies of the institution are not as aware of this as the duties of our personal lives, jobs and hobbies that each of us have the time left to sleep very little and the demand that we have for each of these activities and for technical mean is inversely proportional. I mean, this would not be so bad if you were studying something you really love and you'll spend the rest of your life.

In conclusion, the technique is not half bad, if you really like what you're seeing in it can be really helpful, but but only result in unnecessary and fruitless tiredness and fatigue.


Our website, reflecting an institution.

If you enter the URL: you can find a mirror of what the school Maria Jesus Mejia, are, were and we want to be, the best we have and what we need to improve and what more we want to show. The two million forty thousand pesos that were spent on this site and find information of each of the actors in the institution are perhaps the best investment that has been made in this institution.
Do you wonder how you know a fact that could be considered such a high rank? Well ... you see on the page of the institution we can find this and all kinds of information, for example the method I use to access this content was entering the link to the page offers me in her right side called "SECOP contracts" this is just one of the huge number of options. Just look up and see a bar and content that is like a map of the site and tells you about different areas of the institution as can be the technical half and administrative management.
 Below find perhaps the most important part of the whole page: Links of interest which as its name says are links that lead specific page sites that the developer can consider that we will serve. And yes they serve us! because here we can even see our qualifications and what can we improve the institutional agenda to be prepared for any eventuality, the suggestion box to make our voice heard, page TESO digital plan for us to stay abreast of this wonderful project , social service page to be informed those responsible for this activity as we have advanced and instruct to among other things see our test results that the company performs.
Beside the interesting links we can find the wall where the most important events of the month are published, this wall is constantly updated by teachers, administrators, or page which allows us to keep us aware of what is happening in our school with fresh and latest information.

 In conclusion We must use the tools that the institution offers us so that we can become the best version of ourselves and good people step in.